License Our Programs

If you have a large number of team members who need presentation training every year, consider bringing our workshops in-house. We will provide a turn-key workshop solution, complete with workshop activities, learner materials, and facilitator’s guide. We can also certify your internal trainers on how to deliver our workshops, along with helping them learn to provide candid, actionable feedback.

If you are an external consultant looking for another great program for your clients, consider certifying with Applause Inc. so you can provide high-quality presentation workshops to your clients. We will help you learn the content and build skills for facilitating and providing motivating, practical feedback. We provide the workshop outline, learner materials, and a comprehensive facilitator’s guide.

Call for more specifics on licensing Applause Inc. programs and methods, all of which have been extensively field-tested and refined in a number of industries.




“From my perspective, it has been a great way to provide an individualized development opportunity to a key employee at a very reasonable cost – a fabulous thing in this economy! I will continue to recommend you to everyone I meet! "


Presentation Coaching
Presentation Workshops
Train The Trainer Workshops

“License and facilitate our workshops internally, making presentations in your organization so good they deserve applause.”

Contact US and let's get started. 612-384-2790